We invite you to the blessed city of Medina Baye, Senegal this summer for an experience like no other.   

In the age of learning comfortably from our bedrooms, living rooms, and couches, the blessings, and ‘secrets’ of ziyara are alive and well in this city founded by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) for the explicit purpose of spiritually training the Muslim community.  

Spend a week with trained scholars in the Islamic tradition, who are also erudite spiritual leaders and most importantly lovers of Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

Our Teachers, Topics, and foundational texts

Shaykh Ahmed Boukar Omar Niang was born in Medina Baye, Kaolack, Senegal, to a family of Islamic scholars. He simultaneously received Quranic and higher Islamic studies at home, and primary and secondary education in public schools in French. After graduating from High School, he attended the University of Reims, Champagne Ardennes, where he received a bachelor’s degree in law. He subsequently received a master’s degree in international law at the University of Paris in Cergy Pontoise, and a Postgraduate degree in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the School of Law at Nanterre University. He has devoted the last twenty years of his life documenting the biography of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse and translating his poetry. Among his publications are Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse: Homme du monde ou homme monde (volumes 1 and 2),Triomphe des Véridiques: Récit de la Vie d’El Hadji Abdoulaye Niass, and a translation of Sayr al-Qalb entitled La Marche du Coeur.

Shaykh Niang will be teaching from foundational poetical texts on Islamic and Sufi etiquette.


Serigne Alioune (Sayyidī ʿAlī) Cissé, the son of Imam Shaykh al-Tijānī Cissé, received his university degree in uṣūl al-dīn (Islamic religious principles) from Azhar University. He has studied widely in the majālis (learning circles) of Medina-Baye and is considered an expert in the literature of the Tijāniyya. He travels frequently in the United States and elsewhere teaching and giving lectures in Arabic and English.

Sayyidī ʿAlī will be teaching from the Jawāhir al-rasāʾil

Ustādh ʿĀdil al-Qamar underwent classical training in the Islamic sciences, concentrating on jurisprudence (fiqh) and theology (ʿaqīda) with the Mauritania Maḥḍaratradition associated with Shaykh Murābiṭ al-Ḥājj, ʿAbdallāh bin Bayyah, and Hamza Yusuf. He later studied Sufism (taṣawwuf) with Shaykh Tijānī Cissé, and has served as a co-translator for some of the Shaykh’s lectures. Qamar received his MA from the Harvard Kennedy School and works as a leadership advisor and consultant.

Ustādh ʿĀdil will be teaching from Ibn ʿĀshir’s Murshid al-muʿīn.

Sayyida Sukina Noor is an internationally renowned poet, spoken-word artist, playwright, workshop facilitator, educator and public speaker who has toured extensively across UK, Europe, America and Africa performing, delivering poetry workshops, partaking in panel discussions and delivering lectures. She holds a BA (Hons) Degree in English Literature and Caribbean Studies and is currently pursuing an MSc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes with a focus on the healing potential in the poetry of the Sufi mystics of West Africa.

Noor is the author of a poetry collection, Love and Longing: Yearning for the Face of God (2022), from which she will be teaching for the Medina-Baye Riḥla program.

Dr. Zakariya Wright received his PhD in African History from Northwestern University, his MA from the American University in Cairo in Arabic Studies and his BA in History from Stanford University. He has studied closely with Shaykh Ḥasan Cissé and Shaykh al-Tijānī Cissé through the course of his research on the Islamic intellectual history of West and North Africa. He has authored several works, including Living Knowledge in West African Islam: the Sufi Community of Ibrāhīm Niasse (Brill, 2015); Jihad of the Pen: the Sufi Literature of West Africa (with R. Ware and A. Syed, AUC press, 2018); and Realizing Islam: the Tijāniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World (UNC press, 2020). He has also completed several Arabic to English translations, such as the Removal of Confusion of Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse (Fons Vitae, 2010, 2nd ed. 2019), Pearls from the Flood: Select Insight of Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Fayda Books, 2015), and Moderation, Comportment and Knowledge on the Path to God: Lectures of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Tijānī ʿAlī Cissé (Fayda Books, 2022).

Wright will be teaching from the Kāshif al-ilbās of Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse.

Sidi Mohammed Yahya is a Mozambican born Afro-fusion artist, award winning Interfaith creative producer, workshop facilitator & public speaker. Recently he received the 21 for 21 awards, recognising him as one of the most inspiring faith based leaders who is increasing dialogue and breaking down barriers in the 21st century. This was a joint project between the Church Times, Jewish News, British Muslim TV, and Coexist House, which is linked to the Cambridge Inter-faith Programme. In 2021 He was made the Hip Hop Ambassador of May Project Gardens, an award-winning, London-based grassroots organisation that empowers under-represented and marginalised groups to address poverty, disempowerment and access to resources and influence. Mohammed Yahya music has been featured on BBC one, RTP & RTP Africa as well as international channels across Mozambique, Spain, Mexico and Senegal. In 2023 he was picked by Portuguese National television channel RTP as a contestant for the Eurovision Song Contest.

M. Yahya, who has traveled and studied with Imam Shaykh al-Tijānī Cissé for many years, will serve as the main conference facilitator and host.

Rūḥ al-adab, The Spirit of Good Morals, authored by Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse, is a didactic poem instructing aspirants on basic etiquette for the path of Sufism. This will be combined with a similar work by al-Ḥājj ʿAbdallāh Niasse (d. 1922), the father of Shaykh Ibrāhīm, The Purification of Hearts” (Maṭahārat al-qulūb).


Murshid al-muʿīn, The Helping Guideauthored by Ibn ʿĀshir (d. 1631, Fez) – is a versified summary of theology according to the Ashʾarī school, law according to the Mālikī school, and spiritual purification according to the school of Junayd al-Baghdādī.

Jawāhir al-rasāʾil, “Pearls of Epistles,” is the collection of letters and speeches of Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse. Of particular relevance for our purposes with be the epistle concerning “The Three Stations of the Religion.”

Sayr al-Qalb, The Journey of the Heart,was the last work authored by Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse: a poem in praise of the Prophet Muammad.

Qasīdat al-tawba, “The Poem of Repentance,” was authored by Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse in 1957 during Pilgrimage, emphasizing the importance to turning to God in all states.

shif al-ilbās, The Removal of Confusion, was the magnum opus of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, emphasizing the urgency of knowing God.

The Rimāḥ ḥizb al-Raḥīm ʿalā nuḥūr ḥizb al-rajīm (“Spears of the party of the Merciful God against the necks of the party of the cursed Satan”) of ʿUmar Tāl (d. 1864, Senegal/Mali) has gained notoriety as one of the most important texts on Sufism written anywhere in the world in the nineteenth century. In addition to providing one of the first extensive commentaries on Tijānī understandings and practice, the work presents a comprehensive overview of key Sufi ideals, such as humility on the Sufi path and relying the grace of God.

The Jawāhir al-maʿānī (“Pearls of Meanings”) of ʿAlī Ḥarāzim (d. 1804): Long considered the most significant primary source concerning the teachings of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Tijānī, the two volume collection was authored during the Shaykh’s lifetime and commended to al-Tijānī by the Prophet Muḥammad (SAW), “Preserve it in order to benefit the saints after you.”

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